Everyone has preferences on how to start their day. One sets the coffeepot to brew at the right time, another checks their facebook status, still another picks up a Bible or says a prayer. Of course devotionals are helpful tools, like prayer help us to orient our day. Some have the privilege of hitting the elliptical or the treadmill while listening to their iphone or checking the latest stock projections.
Like life, days don't always start the way that we plan and adjustments have to be made. Life can sometimes be so random that one would be tempted to follow the management philosophy of Peters and Austin, Ready: Fire!, Aim!, Fire!, Aim! In addition to all our plans it might be helpful to give some consideration not to a task, but to a Person. Psalm 18:28 points to this idea,
You, O Lord, Keep my lamp burning. My God turns my darkness into light.
What a comfort to know that the One who made the heavens and the earth, is interested in our everyday, as the Stuart Hamblin said: "He's Big Enough, to Rule the Mighty Universe, Yet Small Enough, to Live Within My Heart".
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