Making deals is serious business. One only need to think of the last time they purchased a vehicle how difficult and complex the dealmaking process was. I remember reviewing a site called beat the car salesman over and over again, just so I could have help in not being cheated. Why? Because many people are suspicious of making deals. Trust is implicit in a deal and most of the time, those of us in the western world are suspicious and looking behind the obvious to figure out if we are getting a good deal or not. When it comes to God, however, the cards are stacked against us. We are doomed. Since the sin that entered the garden, we have been at a disadvantage. One only need to hear God's quote on sin in Genesis 4:4-7 to get an idea of how insidious and awful sin is in its effect on us. But thankfully, God has provided an answer to sin by sending His Son. You know this already? How about this fact. It's not a fair deal. We deserve to die as it says in Romans 3:23. Most of us think that we are ok and not that sinful, but according the the Scriptures, we are not able to help ourselves. Jeremiah commented on this so eloquently with his statement in Jeremiah 17:9.
But we're talking about a deals! Isaiah was in an interesting situation as the Southern Kingdom of Judah was the remaining country after the Northern Kingdom had been deported by the Assyrians. In Isaiah 1:1-17, he lists the activities of humans that are anything but righteous. But the DEAL is in Isaiah 1:18.
Consider the winner and the loser. God gets our sin, we get salvation. He chooses to exchange the ugly for the beautiful, the profane for the righteous, and the dirty for the clean.
Come NOW! Let us Reason to Gather! Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow, though they are red as crimson, they shall be as wool!
What Isaiah saw some 700 years before Christmas, we get the deal some 2000 years later. Come Now! Let Us Reason to Gather!
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