Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Accelerate Your Bible Study

 2015 will be a great year as we learn to 
value the message of Scripture and work it into our daily lives. 

Keeping up to date with the new and different ways to study the Bible is a challenging task as there are so many wide and divergent ways that people study God's word. 

Are you content to read a paper Bible or do you prefer to 
work and study online?

 For instance, if your Bible study is restricted to one Bible, then the choice of that Bible is crucial. When Paul said to Timothy to study to show yourselves approved, it benefits not only the believer, but also God's Church! 

Hover over this reference, 2 Timothy 2: 15 and consider the value of study for the believer as well as the purpose of God.

King James Version. (KJV)

This version has worked well for over 400 years! 2011 marked the 400 year anniversary of this great text. Many of us have a King James memory, as we studied only this version while we were being discipled. The problem is that language usage has changed in 400 years and there are some passages that are difficult to negotiate.

New King James Version (NKJV)

If you want the classic rhythm and style of the KJV without all the "Thees" and "Thous" this should be your choice.  At MardelLifeway, and CBD, you can find the NKJV 

New International Version. (NIV)

This is the most popular and widely used version in the last 30 years. It has found its place into our teaching/preaching and discipleship materials. The NIV illustrates the perpetual challenge that translators face in trying to bring the original text of Hebrew and Greek into modern day language usage. As such, they rely on a method of translation that focuses on the "concept" of Scripture rather than the actual words. The translators in 1979 did a fantastic job of staying faithful to the original text, (KJV only detractors notwithstanding) and this translation has been a blessing to the Church. The problem? The NIV is changing. Several years ago, Zondervan produced the TNIV (today's New International Version) one if its "features" was the removal of gender specific language for God.  It is not the 1984 version that most are accustomed to, so hold on to that old NIV!  When looking for the old NIV look for the designator (1984) beside it and you'll have the right one.

New American Standard. (NASB)

This is a fantastic version that rather than use the "dynamic equivalence" approach of the NIV translators, focused on word for word translation. The faithful work of these scholars has stood the test of time and the NASB still exists as the gold standard of translation work. The problem of course is the readability of the text. This is why it never took hold in church use. It's available in alot of formats.

The ESV is a triumph of biblical scholarship. Focusing on a word for word translation and using the latest in textual analysis tools, the scholars of the ESV have produced an amazing translation that is not only readable but focuses on conveying the word for word standard of the King James and NASB. This is the version that I use in the pulpit as well as the classroom.  Consider this from the preface to the ESV to help illustrate my enthusiasm for this version:

We know that no Bible translation is perfect or final; but we also know that God uses imperfect and inadequate things to his honor and praise. So to our triune God and to his people we offer what we have done, with our prayers that it may prove useful, with gratitude for much help given, and with ongoing wonder that our God should ever have entrusted to us so momentous a task.
Soli Deo Gloria!—To God alone be the glory!

If you remember the Living Bible, then you can appreciate what the New Living Translation has done. This is a relevant translation that will span the test of time. Many churches have adopted its use rather than the ESV because of its readability. 

It follows, like the NIV, the dynamic equivalence approach of translation

I've been reading the NLT in my daily Bible reading and LOVE it.  Recently I discovered  The Chronological Life Application Study Bible.  From Tyndale, the text of Scripture is arranged in epochs chronologically, rather than traditional book order. From my perspective, this is the absolute best study Bible out there.  I recommend it to all my Old Testament, New Testament and Bible study students @ SAGU  It has many timeline/chronological references and lists that immerse you into Bible study.  

 The timeline is consistent at the top of each page of the Bible.  This helps to reinforce the knowledge of the significant events of biblical history with the text  This volume also comes with the Life Application Bible study notes.  

Holman Christan Standard Bible  (HCSB)

This Bible is a direct translation from Broadman and Holman publishers. The HCSB is a faithful word for word translation on the lines of the KJV, ESV, and NASB. It has shown up mostly in theme oriented Bibles for children, youth, and professions.

If you study the word of God in a paper format only, you might consider adding a study Bible to your library.   My recommendation is the ESV Study Bible or the Chronological Life Application Study Bible.  You can find it at Mardel ; sometimes cheaper at or the publisher's site itself: The ESV Study Bible has 20000 notes and resources that are a wonderful introduction to all that is good in Christian Theology. With the purchase of any ESV Bible, they also give you a code where you can search online and find many other resources for FREE.

If you prefer to use online and/or phone Bibles, convenience and 
Bible study go hand in hand.

If you are interested in indepth study of Scripture using your computer, There are basically 5 good options. As you look at these, think of them the way you think of automobiles. You don't need them all, you only need 1. 

E-Sword. This is free. If you want to save the most money and get the most value, stop here.
The next bang for your buck with a simple interface and many conservative resources is BibleSoft
The next resource is Wordsearch. It has many features with the ability to expand your library as well as a great interface. It has recently been purchased by Lifeway. If you've used Bible Explorer or Quickverse in the past, it's now a part of Wordsearch

The most innovative and most expensive is Logos. Logos focuses on individual tools of convenience for Bible study.  This can slow the system down, but they have quite a loyal fan base.   As you add resources, however, it becomes more powerful and more expensive.  It is slow on many older computers so don't buy it unless you are the kind of person that regularly updates your operating system/ram/computer.   Logos is available for the PC, MAC, the iPhone, Android phones and tablets as well. 

Accordance is a fast and efficient system for Bible study.  It has many of the high quality resources that are offered by Logos, but focus on the primacy of Scripture.  The maps and timeline are integrated with the text.  It is available for the Mac and the PC.

2015 Update

The two kings of the Bible software world are  Logos and Accordance.  Accordance is by far the fastest loading and searching software available anywhere. It is the easiest and most functional to use.  Last year they came out with a PC version that works quite well  When you buy either Logos, Wordsearch, or Accordance you can have the software on each of your devices.  If you are new to Bible software  and you're trying to decide whether to spend money on Accordance or Logos, the answer is Accordance hands down.

Accordance has version 11 and Logos has come up with Version 6.  They are BOTH  tremendous enhancements. Version 11 of Accordance is more intuitive and functional while maintaining its speed advantage. Their Infopane has revolutionized Bible study.

 Logos 6 is feature rich with many tools such as sermon starter, factbook, and Bible event navigator.  Logos also has a presence with, proclaim presentation software, Vyrso Christion books, and the innovative Faithlife site which encourages churches and small groups to share Bible study, notes, and viewpoints with the respective privacy settings they choose.

The best online is the Faithlife Study Bible.  This is a free study Bible that has contributions from todays  top conservative scholars.  As of 1/1/15 it is still free.  Click Faithlife and go there to download it. It's available for Pcs, Macs and tablets.  Once you have a username and password you can access it on your tablet and/or smartphone.

Bible Study on Your Phone

If you have a smartphone. You have the ability to read the Bible, your devotions, do word studies and have a Bible reading plan. For either android or iphones go to:

My favorite is the updated version of the Logos mobile app.  Both Logos and Accordance have free mobile apps and more resources if you buy one of their collections. 

for a nice dramatic Bible:

There are MANY others. I've just listed a sampling. The amazing thing to me is the ability to customize Bible reading plans. This can be done with the top three Bible software programs and some of the phone apps.


If you use an e-reader like Kindle or Nook you used to have to purchase individual Bibles. Not anymore. These digital books make it possible to mark up text, attach notes, and keep your place as well as recommend what you read through facebook, and twitter.   As mentioned above, both Olive Tree and Logos have Bibles for devices running on the Android platform. Accordance works on iPads

Tablets are changing everything. Currently Android and IOS are winning in making it possible for you to have a Kindle app, a Nook app, and a Vyrso app (with Vyrso, if you are  Logos user, you can view all your logos books within that space and vice versa)

What kind of Bible Reading Plan?

I prefer to set up a 2 year Bible reading plan so that I can take my time thinking about the text. There are also plans that place the text chronologically.   With Logos/Faithlife you can customize it any way you wish.  You can also customize on Bible Gateway

Acts 10:17-29

Finally, there is the question of Bible searching

The hands down most popular online searching interface is Bible Gateway. Another good one is Blue Letter Bible.  Using "the cloud" keeps you from having to have the Bible on a device like a desktop, laptop, or smartphone, and meets the needs of most people for Bible searching. My preference is being able to search across several versions, which I'm not sure you can do. Bible Gateway has many features.  has the future in view

If all you want is a verse reference, then as one of my students pointed out:  "Just google it"
That will work and quickly, but let me encourage you that with Accordance or Logos, you can customize Bible reading plans, enjoy the speed and usefulness of hyper-linked cross references just to name a few.


If you do blogs/emails or webpages. Check out this link to embed Bible references you type in your text to make them active hyperlinks

Technology has obviously made it easier for all of us, the question remains whether or not we will? 

Consider this great encouragement from a writer of Scripture himself.

Christ's Glory and the Prophetic Word
16 For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased," 18 we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. 19 And we have something more sure, the prophetic word, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, 20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. 21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:16–21 (ESV)

May the Lord bless you as you study His word.