Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Book Recommendation: Spirit Rising

I rarely recommend a book other than the Bible.  I received it in the mail as a gift and so I guess they were thinking if I read it, (the publisher that is) I would recommend it.  I guess you could say I'm "partially" recommending it because I've only read 3 chapters.  I'm a fan of what God is doing through the Brooklyn Tabernacle under the ministry of Jim Cymbala.  He is just a man so I'm not advertising him.  I do want to mention His book.  Here is where you can get it on Amazon: Spirit Rising: Tapping into the Power of the Holy Spirit

Why? Do you ask? Would I reccomend a book that I've only read part of?  Because I'm excited about it and it takes me years to finish books (some books I never finish).  This one is blessing me and I didn't want you to miss out on it.  Or wait 5 years until I finished it. :-)

If there's false teaching later in the book I'll be surprised (and I'll tell you)

Here is a quote that Bro. Cymbala uses from Charles Finney about the Holy Spirit. Cymbala says that Finney mentions three key points about the Holy Spirit.

1.  Jesus Promised the Spirit's Fullnes (Acts 1:8)
2.  Scripture Commands Christians to Be Filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)
3.  The Fullness of the Spirit is a Necessity in Our Lives (John 15:5) pp. 41- 42.

So far, I'm agreeing with just about everything in this book.  I certainly affirm that the Holy Spirit wants to fill every believer (Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46). I am also concerned that the believing church is flirting with the Devil and living way below the power available to them.  If you don't read this book, at least read the Bible and ask God to develop in you a hunger for more of Him.

One more Scripture.  John 7:37-39 gives Jesus's public proclamation of what the Spirit would give.

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