Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Glorious Church

Bethel just had it's 70th Anniversary.  It was a great day.  We had the joy of singing old songs and new, heard a choir of former and current members, and listened to testimonies of His faithfulness.  The text for the sermon came from Hebrews 13:8 which was posted over the church on Vickery street before they moved to the new location.  Jesus did promise to build His church. He is still building His Church.  Churches that celebrate anniversaries have one thing in common: They are still having church!

Many today are in-between churches.  They can't seem to find the right fit. That's understandable in an age where everything is taylored to our liking.  Customer service and church membership do not always go hand in hand.  I just think there's nothing better than Church.

Church is where children are taught that there are others who live for Jesus in every situation and station in life.

Church is where the people of God gather to worship and receive instruction in the word of God.

Church is the vehicle by which people hear the call of God for ministry and vocational service.

Church is a missionary sending agency.

Church is where the Gospel is preached, the saints are taught, and the mission is started.  Jesus did NOT say I will build my empire, my business, my retreat, or my culture.  Jesus said "I will build My Church"

I know I'm not objective because I think Bethel is the greatest church on the planet.  What constitutes a good church?  Scripture says Christ is returning:

Ephesians 5:27 (KJV)
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Ephesians 4:11-16 talks about the gifts that God has provided for His Church.

Wherever you may be attending church, know this:  God will use you if you make yourself available.

Great churches are built on great relationships with great people in relationship with God.  Hebrews says:

Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)
25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Whose anniversary will you be a part of? See you in Church! :-)

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