Sunday, September 6, 2009

God Specializes In It

The notion that God can do anything is, in itself, amazing. Since the Fall of Man, man has been at odds against God by default. We are, as Romans 3:23 states, "sinners." We have all sinned. God is doing all He can to redeem us back. Having sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins, and not just for our sins, but for the whole world, He daily is doing miracles as men come back into communion with Him. When we read statements like "Nothing is Too Hard for God" and "Nothing is Impossible with God"….we want to believe that is true, but our fallen nature gets in the way. We argue with God. What about the times I asked Him for miracles and received nothing? What about the times I prayed and prayed and prayed, yet still God did not answer? Fair enough questions. James 4:3 suggests one answer might be that we ask from wrong motives. This is understandable considering our faulted sinful stance. It seems from Scripture that God doesn't do everything we ask and He has some kind of Divine standard for answering our prayers that is a mystery to our feeble minds. Those questions, however, should not prevent us from continuing to ask. Consider all the places that God Himself encourages us with the idea that He can do anything AND our prayers make a difference.

Matthew 19:26

Mark 10:27

Luke 1:37

Luke 18:27

Matthew 6:30

Matthew 8:10

Matthew 8:26

Matthew 9:2

Matthew 9:22

Matthew 9:29

Matthew 13:58

Matthew 14:31

Matthew 15:28

Mattew 16:8

This is not an exhaustive list. I do not know the artist but the words are so powerful from Scripture…

Got any Rivers? You think are uncrossable

Got any Mountains? You can't tunnel through

God specializes, in things thought impossible

And He can do what no other power can do

God must expect us to have faith in what He can do!

1 comment:

  1. Several years ago I ran across the story about this chorus. Oscar C. Eliason took a slogan of construction company who dug the Panama Canal and adapted it and added the music to make it into a gospel chorus. He was healed of Tuberculosis.

    Read the rest of the story here:
